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Saturday, 15 September 2018

Arduino based Automatic Plant Irrigation System with Message Alert

Whenever we go out of town for few days, we always used to worry about our plants as they need water on regular basis. So here we are making Automatic Plant Irrigation System using Arduino, which automatically provides water to your plants and keep you updated by sending message to your cell phone.

In This Plant Watering SystemSoil Moisture Sensor checks the moisture level in the soil and if moisture level is low then Arduino switches On a water pump to provide water to the plant. Water pump gets automatically off when system finds enough moisture in the soil. Whenever system switched On or off the pump, a message is sent to the user via GSM module, updating the status of water pump and soil moisture. This system is very useful in Farms, gardens, home etc. This system is completely automated and there is no need for any human intervention.

Required Components:

  • Arduino Uno
  • GSM Module
  • Transistor BC547 (2)
  • Connecting wires
  • 16x2 LCD (optional)
  • Power supply 12v 1A
  • Relay 12v
  • Water cooler pump
  • Soil Moisture Sensor 
  • Resistors (1k, 10k)
  • Variable Resister (10k, 100k)
  • Terminal connector
  • Voltage Regulator IC LM317
Working of this Automatic Plant Irrigation System is quite simple. First of all, it is a Completely Automated Systemand there is no need of manpower to control the system. Arduino is used for controlling the whole process and GSM module is used for sending alert messages to user on his Cellphone.

If moisture is present in soil  then it sends SMS to user about “Soil Moisture is Normal. Motor turned OFF” and water pump remains in Off state.
Now if there is no Moisture in soil then turns On the water motor and also sends message to user about “Low Soil Moisture detected. Motor turned ON”. Motor will automatically turn off when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.

Arduino Real Time Clock

real-time clock (RTC) is a computer clock (most often in the form of an integrated circuit) that keeps track of the current time.
Although the term often refers to the devices in personal computers, servers and embedded systems, RTCs are present in almost any electronic device which needs to keep accurate time. A common RTC used in single-board computers is the Maxim Integrated DS1307.

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • DS1307 RTC Module
  • 16×2 LCD Display
  • Breadboard
  • Connecting wires
  • Power supply

Working of Arduino Real Time Clock DS1307 Interface

A simple project where Arduino UNO is interfaced with DS1307 Real Time Clock is implemented here. In this project, we will be programming the DS1307 RTC with current date and time and see whether it actually keeps that data even if the power supply to Arduino is removed.
A special library called “RTClib” is used in the programming. 
In order to upload the data and time into the DS1307 RTC IC, we have used a feature available in the RTClib library, where the Arduino will upload the date and time from the computer while uploading the code.

Voice Controlled LEDs using Arduino and Bluetooth

Controlling LEDs with voice command seems to be a difficult task, but it’s easy and you can quickly build it. We just need an Arduino UNO to serially communicate with HC-06 Bluetooth module and a smartphone to send voice command to Bluetooth module HC-06. For receiving voice command we are using “Arduino Bluetooth Voice Controller” android app.
Material Required:

  • Arduino UNO
  • HC-06 Bluetooth Module
  • LEDs (Red, and Green)
  • Resistor 220 ohm (2 nos.)
  • Arduino Bluetooth Voice Controller (Download from play store)
  • Breadboard
  • Connecting wires

Bluetooth can operate in the following two modes:

  1. Command Mode
  2. Operating Mode
In Command Mode we will be able to configure the Bluetooth properties like the name of the Bluetooth signal, its password, the operating baud rate etc. The Operating Mode is the one in which we will be able to send and receive data between the PIC Microcontroller and the Bluetooth module. Hence in this tutorial we will be toying only with the Operating Mode. The Command mode will be left to the default settings. The Device name will be HC-05 (I am using HC-06) and the password will be 0000 or 1234 and most importantly the default baud rate for all Bluetooth modules will be 9600.
The module works on 5V supply and the signal pins operate on 3.3V, hence a 3.3V regulator is present in the module itself. Hence we need not worry about it. Out of the six pins only four will be used in the Operating mode.

HC-06 Bluetooth Module:

S.NoPin on HC-05/HC-06Pin name on MCUPin number in PIC
1VccVdd31st pin
2VccGnd32nd pin
3TxRC6/Tx/CK25th pin
4RxRC7/Rx/DT26th pin
EN (Enable)

Friday, 14 September 2018

Coin based water dispenser

Here we put forward a fully automated coin based water dispenser system using micro-controller and sensor. The system is capable of fully automated water/cola dispensing using motors and sensors. The system also senses if glass is placed at the counter to avoid water spoilage if there is no glass placed at the counter panel. The system uses IR sensors to detect presence of glass and then the sensors send a signal to the micro-controller. The micro-controller now processes the information sent by the sensors to determine if glass is present. The system also has a coin detector that is used to sense particular coins and send information to micro-controller about valid coins. On detecting a valid coin the system now sends a signal to the controller who checks if glass is present and then it starts the motor to pour water in glass using motor as long the glass is present. If glass is removed during the process, system stops the water supply until glass is encountered. Thus we here put forward a smart water dispenser system with water saving feature.


Finger print based attendance system

Attendance systems are commonly used systems to mark the presence in offices and schools. From manually marking the attendance in attendance registers to using high-tech applications and biometric systems, these systems have improved significantly.
Fingerprint sensor module captures finger’s print image and then converts it into the equivalent template and saves them into its memory as per selected ID by Arduino. All the process is commanded by Arduino like taking an image of finger’s print, convert it into templates and storing as ID etc.


Automatic street light


In our country we see the street light glow all times in night. In this project, we manage street light according to the person if any person or vehicle is available then street light glow otherwise light turned off.
A IR sensor is used in every street light to detect the object or person, if any object or person is available in the front of street light pole then the street light if turned on for few times after that turned off. We can save electricity by using this idea .


Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Plastic Electronics




·         CONDUCTORS
·         SUBSTRATES






·         CONCLUSION
·         REFERENCES



Strong, flexible, lightweight and cheap, plastics have acquired an additional attribute in recent years: the ability to function as semiconductors, forming diodes and transistors in plastic integrated circuits. Now, as the first plastic electronics products are hitting.

     Plastic electronics ,Organic electronics, or polymer electronics, is a branch of electronics that deals with conductive polymers, plastics, or small molecules. It is called 'organic' electronics because the polymers and small molecules are carbon-based, like the molecules of living things. This is as opposed to traditional electronics (or metal electronics) which relies on inorganic conductors such as copper or silicon.
     Plastic Electronics allows circuits to be produced at relatively low cost by printing  electronic materials onto any surface, whether rigid or flexible. it is very different from the  assembly of conventional silicon-based electronics. it will lead to the creation of a whole  new range of products such as conformable and rollable electronic displays, ultra-efficient  lighting and low-cost, long-life solar cells. its market value is forecast to rise from $2 billion  today to $120 billion in 2020.
      Plastic electronic materials and high-resolution printing methods may be important technologies for new classes of consumer electronic devices that are lightweight, mechanically flexible and bendable, and that can cover large areas at low cost.
    This area will be important (at least initially) not because of its potential for achieving high speed, density, and so forth but because the circuits can be rugged and bendable, and they can be printed rapidly over large areas at low cost. These features can be difficult to achieve with the brittle inorganic materials and sophisticated processing techniques that are used for conventional electronics. Bendable plastic circuits will enable new devices—electronic paper, wearable computers or sensors, disposable wireless identification tags, and so forth—that complement the types of systems that existing silicon-based electronics supports well (e.g., microprocessors, high-density RAM, etc.).

    The market in displays that use organic light-emitting diodes, the stage is set for a new era of pervasive computing with polymers. Plastics may never match the sheer processing speed and miniaturization of silicon, but they will be able to go places that silicon cannot reach: ultracheap radio-frequency identification tags; lowend, high-volume data storage; displays that are inexpensive, even disposable, or that can be wrapped around a wall column; and wearable computing.

    Other uses for conductive plastics include photocells, chemical sensors and pressure-sensitive materials. A key advantage of organic transistors over silicon is their ease of fabrication. Building a state-of-the-art silicon chip takes weeks of work using complex and expensive processes such as photolithography and vacuum deposition, carried out under high temperatures in ultraclean rooms. In comparison, organic transistors can be made using faster, cheaper processes under less carefully controlled conditions. Finally, there is the promise of “roll-to-roll” fabrication similar to the continuous printing presses that revolutionized publishing.

                                          CHAPTER 2

2. Organic Semiconductors

       THE CONDUCTIVE PLASTICS in electronics come in two broad types. One is made out of small organic molecules, the other out of long, conjugated polymer molecules. An example of the small-molecule variant is pentacene, which consists of five benzene rings joined in a line . The long polymers consist of chains of hundreds or thousands of carbon atoms. “Conjugated” means that the carbon atoms in the chains are joined by alternating double and single bonds.

        A benzene ring can also be thought of as a short chain of six such carbon atoms, with alternating bonds, biting its tail to form a closed loop. But that picture of alternating single and double bonds is not the most accurate way of viewing any of these molecules. Instead some of the double-bond electrons become delocalized, shared among several atoms rather than localized in a specific bond between two atoms. Such delocalization is similar to what happens in metals and semiconductors. The delocalized electrons can exist only in states that have specific energy levels. The permitted energies form bands that can hold only so many electrons .

        The highest-energy band containing electrons is called the valence band, and the next higher one is the conduction band. The small molecules, such as pentacene, are conductive in their pure state, and they can be made directly into crystals or thin films for use in devices. The long polymers, in contrast, are generally poor conductors in their pure state. The reason is that their valence band is full of electrons, which obstructs current flow. Each electron in the band has nowhere to go—it has no empty states available where it can move. The empty spaces in the conduction band are at too high an energy level to be of use. To change that situation, researchers introduce special impurity atoms (called doping). The dopant atoms either add extra electrons, which go into the conduction band, or they remove some electrons from the valence band, creating holes, which behave like positive particles. In either case, current can flow easily, either by conduction electrons traveling along in the almost empty conduction band or by holes traveling through the valence band. (From the perspective of a hole, the valence band is almost empty: every electron there is akin to a location to which the hole can move.)

      The possibility of doping conjugated polymers in this way to create a conducting or semiconducting material was discovered in the 1970s by Alan J. Heeger (now at the University of California at Santa Barbara), Alan G. MacDiarmid (now at the University of Pennsylvania), Hideki Shirakawa (now at the University of Tsukuba in Japan) and their co-workers. Heeger, MacDiarmid and Shirakawa received the 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this work. They doped polyacetylene by exposing it in various experiments to chlorine, bromine or iodine. These conductive plastics have already found a number of applications other than electronic circuitry, including use as a corrosion inhibitor, electromagnetic shielding for electronic circuits, an antistatic coating on photographic emulsions, and a microwave-absorbing stealth coating to hide an object from radar.



       The silicon-based electronics world is, of course, a very well entrenched, multi-billion dollar industry that offers increasingly impressive levels of processing power. But it also has the characteristics of very high capital needs (multi-billion dollars for silicon chip manufacture), potential over-specification for a number of applications, and design limitations in respect of flexible or conformable devices.
       Another advantage is its processing at low-temperatures. The substrate is a solution which is printable and coatable  enabling also flexible products. The additive processes might prove to be more environmentally friendly.
      Despite its many benefits, to date the performance of plastic electronics in terms of the actual function and performance is reduced compared to that of conventional electronics.

                                                                                   Fig. No. 3.1
     It is therefore believed that Plastic electronics will, on the whole, become a winning technology platform not by ‘beating’ silicon but by complementing silicon technologies or by facilitating the development  of new products (like rollable displays) where silicon just cannot be used.


     The components of Plastic electronics are organic molecules and polymers that give semiconducting or light-emitting properties.
      For active organic electronics, materials ranging from conductors (electrodes), semiconductors, to insulators (dielectric materials) are required.


The materials used for conductors fall mainly into three categories – those based on :-
·         Metals
·         organic compounds
·         metal oxides.
    Metallic features can be printed  in a number of different ways. The most common technique is to use inks that contain metal particles.
     For conductors, conducting polymers are most desirable because of their mechanical flexibility and processability. However, the conductivities of conducting polymers are still lower than required.

     Even though certain polymers can conduct electricity, they are still  1000 times less conductive than metals. The compounds that are most used for conductive polymers in printed are heteroaromatic polymers, based upon aniline, thiophene, and pyrole and their derivatives. Of all of the conducting polymers, the one that has been used the most as a conductor is probably PEDOT:PSS (also known as PEDT:PSS, Figure 2), which is commercially available.

.                       Fig 4.1.1 Chemical structure of PEDOT:PSS
     Dispersions of PEDOT:PSS have good film forming properties, high conductivity (< 400 S/cm), high visible light transmission, and excellent stability. Films of PEDOT:PSS can be heated in air at > 100 ˚C for > 1000 hours with only minimal change in conductivity.
     Another class of conductive materials that is often used for electrodes are metal oxides, particularly Indium Tin Oxide (ITO). These materials are used primarily because of their transparency. They are used where transparent electrodes are needed, particularly for light emitting or optoelectronic devices.


     Organic semiconductors can be soluble and solution processable, hence they lend them-selves to printing. The charge transport in organic semiconductors is highly dependent upon the deposition conditions, and can be influenced by many factors, including solvent, concentration, deposition technique, deposition temperature, surface treatment, surface roughness, etc.

Fig 4.2.1 Chemical structures of typical organic semiconductors: (a)–(g) are p-channel materials,
and (h)–(j) are n-channel materials.
        Matching combinations of p and n-type semiconductors are required for CMOS circuits.
    They are chemically synthesized and formulated as printing inks
                         Fig 4.2.2  Electronic Inks
     A variety of materials can be used as dielectrics. While much work has been done using inorganic (silica, alumina, and high dielectric constant oxides) dielectrics, these are not generally printable. A variety of organic polymers including polypropylene, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl phenol, poly methyl methacrylate, and polyethylene terephthalate can also be used as dielectrics. Most of these are polymers that are widely used for non electronic purposes, and available in bulk quantities quite inexpensively.
     For organic electronics, flexible polymeric substrates are generally used. Flexible substrates pose a number of challenges, however. Flexible substrates are usually not completely dimensionally stable, and this can greatly affect the resolution and registration of features printed on them. The surfaces of flexible substrates are usually too rough for device fabrication. Flexible substrates can melt or deform when exposed to high temperatures, which limits the kinds of processing that can be applied to them.
     Many types of flexible substrates are also incompatible with some solvents used for organic electronic components. When exposed to such solvents, the substrates may either dissolve or swell. The flexible polymeric substrates that have been used the most in organic electronics are the polyesters polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN).



      In organic electronics, Printing  Techniques are chosen based upon their suitability for printing the desired materials (viscoelastic properties), as well as by their capability to print the desired feature sizes (lateral resolution, ink thickness, surface uniformity) required by the device.. Some important  printing methods used today are
     Figure 5 illustrates how the µCP process is performed. First, a master is created using micro-fabrication processes. Second, the liquid prepolymer is applied to the surface of the master. Third, the prepolymer is cured (by heating), and removed from the master. Now, ink needs to be applied to the surface of the stamp. This can be done by either applying the ink directy to the stamp (4) or by using an ink pad (5). Most often, the inks used are molecules which form self assembled monolayers (typically thi-ols) on the surface (typically gold). Sixth, the stamp is brought into contact with the surface to be patterned. Seventh, upon removal of the stamp, a self assembled monolayer (SAM) of ink is formed on the substrate surface. Finally, this SAM is used as an etch resist to selectively etch the underlying substrate surface.

Fig 5.1.1  Diagram of the microcontact printing process. Source: VDMA

       The screen printing process is shown in Figure 7. In screen printing, the mask (emulsion) is supported by a screen (usually made of polyester or stainless steel). The screen support allows the use of areas which are not connected, which would fall through a regular stencil or mask. In screen printing, a wide variety of different screen parameters are available.

Figure 5.2.1  Screen printing process. Source: VDMA
      When practiced appropriately, screen printing is a non contact printing process. The screen itself should not touch the substrate. The ink is spread out over the screen and forced through it with a squeegee.
     Although screen printing is not normally considered a high volume printing process, the volume can be increased considerably by using rotary screen printing. The rotary screen printing process is shown in Figure 8.

Fig 5.2.2  Rotary screen printing process. Source: VDMA
        In rotary screen printing, the screen is wrapped around a cylinder, and the ink is contained inside the cylinder. The cylinder rotates continuously, and the ink is fed through it. In this way, rotary screen printing can operate continuously, and increase the throughput considerably over flat bed screen printing.



       THE SMALL-MOLECULE organic semiconductors are best fabricated into devices by vapor deposition: the compound is vaporized in a closed chamber, either evacuated or filled with an inert gas, and allowed to condense in a film onto a substrate. This technique is similar to that used in the manufacture of some very quotidian products, such as the coating on potato chip bags that prevents oxygen from diffusing through the plastic. Polymers offer a number of fabrication techniques. One is spin-coating, in which a disk with a blob of a solution containing the polymer or its precursors is spun, spreading the material evenly across the disk. The material can then be etched by photolithographic techniques similar to those used in making conventional inorganic semiconductors or cut or imprinted in other ways. (Some researchers have also used spin-coating with pentacene.) One problem with conductive polymers compared with the plastics used in other industries is their lack of solubility in convenient organic solvents. For example-polyethylenedioxythiophene, or PEDOT, is typically laid down in an acidic waterbased solution whose corrosive properties cause other problems. In April, TDA Research in Wheat Ridge, Colo., announced a new form of PEDOT dubbed oligotron, which is soluble in noncorrosive organic solvents. Shining ultraviolet (UV) light on the liquid precursor causes its molecules to cross-link, curing the material into an insoluble solid. Thus, it should be possible to spin-coat oligotron and then make a pattern by shining UV light on it through a mask. Alternatively, it could be ink-jet-printed in a pattern and then fixed with UV radiation.

      The ink-jet process is highly analogous to graphical ink-jet printing, but instead of colored dyes, tiny droplets of polymer solution are propelled onto the substrate in carefully controlled patterns. So far only a large-scale proof-of-principle pattern has been demonstrated; no electronic devices have been made. The trick to making oligotron soluble was to attach appropriate groups on the end of the PEDOT monomer molecules. It should be possible to create variants of oligotron with specific properties by modifying the end groups. For instance, oligotron with photovoltaic end groups might be used to make solar cells. Several companies are pursuing the ink-jet technique of circuitry printing. The Palo Alto Research Center (PARC, formerly a part of Xerox) has demonstrated such technology; in 2003 its researchers produced the first plastic semiconductor transistor array built entirely by ink-jet printing . The transistors are larger than their silicon cousins and switch more slowly, but their mobility—0.1 square centimeter per volt per second (cm2/Vs)—is only a factor of 10 lower than that of amorphous silicon, which is widely used in the
backplanes of liquid-crystal computer displays. (Mobility is a measure of how readily charge carriers such as electrons travel in a material.

       A factor of 10 is a relatively small difference; amorphous silicon lags behind crystalline silicon by a factor of 1,000.) Dow, Motorola and Xerox have formed an alliance to develop
polymer inks and printing methods, as have DuPont and Lucent Technologies, as well as Universal Display Corporation and Sarnoff.

                                 Fig. 6.1.1  Plastic electronics circuit

         were patterned using ink-jet printing by the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). The lower image shows 12 transistors of an array. The dots are about 40 microns in diameter. The researchers used a semiconducting polymer ink developed by Beng Ong of the Xerox Research Center of Canada. The transistors would be suitable for use in active-matrix displays, electronic paper and other applications.

Fig 6.1. ELECTRONIC PAPER produced by Philips has a resolution of 85 pixels per inch and can be rolled up into a cylinder four centimeters in diameter. The paper uses pentacene thin-film transistors that are manufactured at room temperature from a liquid solution. The transistors operate fast enough to display video.


    We use interconnected arrays of  transistors to drive circuits in flexible paper like displays that use a type of microencapsulated electro-phoretic ink.
    The backplane circuits of these prototype devices consist of square arrays of 256 suitably interconnected p-channel transistors. An image of one of these circuits, and the various components of the display.

Fig.7.1  Image of a printed plastic backplane circuit de-signed display

Fig.7.2 Exploded view of a paper like for an electronic paper like display. The circuit incorporates several hundred interconnected organic transistors

       A completed display (total thickness: 1mm) consists of a transparent front-plane electrode of ITO on PET and a thin, unpatterned layer of flexible electronic ‘ink’ mounted against a sheet that supports square pixel electrode pads and pin-outs; these pixel pads attach, via a conductive adhesive, to the backplanes. Each transistor functions as a switch that locally controls the color of the ‘ink’ that consists of small spheres which are filled with smaller (white) charged spheres and a colored (black) liquid (Figure 10).
    Transistors in a given column have connected gates, and those in a given row have connected source electrodes. Applying a voltage to a column (gate) and a row (source) electrode turns on the transistor located at this column and row position. Activating the transistor generates an electric field between the front-plane ITO and the corresponding pixel electrode. Upon application of an appropriate electric field, the charged (white) spheres move either toward the top or the bottom of the liquid. When the (white) spheres are toward the observer, the display looks (white). When the (white) spheres are at the other side (bottom) of the display, the color of the liquid (black) is seen. The spheres and liquid can be made to be any color. The contrast is independent of viewing angle, and significantly better than newsprint.



·         SENSORS
    Many different stimuli can be sensed using organic electronics, including temperature, pressure, light, and chemical identity. temperature and pressure sensors integrated into an artificial skin ,

FIG. 8.1  “Artificial skin”  flexible integrated pressure and temperature sensors

·         ACTUATORS
     Actuators  have also been made using organic electronics. An electronic Braille actuator was recently demonstrated which provided sufficient stimulus to be read by a blind persons

Fig. 8.2   Braille actuator   





·         Organic electronics are lighter, more flexible, and less expensive than their inorganic counterparts.
·         They are also biodegradable (being made from carbon).
·         This opens the door to many exciting and advanced new applications that would be impossible using copper or silicon.
·         However, conductive polymers have high resistance and therefore are not good conductors of electricity.
      In many cases they also have shorter lifetimes and are much more dependant on stable environment conditions than inorganic electronics would be.



      The overall objective of the project was the development of a technology for organic electronic complementary circuits on flexible substrates operating at frequencies far above 10 kHz. The dramatic increase of the switching speed of representative organic circuits is achieved by reducing the critical device dimensions and the parasitic contributions whilst strictly controlling the mobility. The technology is based on NIL hot embossing, which is an innovative and seminal reel-to-reel compatible, fast and parallel high-resolution patterning technique in the field of nanoimprint lithography. Parasitic capacitance contributions are minimized via self-alignment of source and drain electrodes with respect to the gate structures. A combination of short-channel, fast organic complementary circuits with a self-aligned nanoimprinting process has to be classified as radically innovative in the field of complex electronic applications opening a series of new potentials and fields of applications.

     The use of a complementary technology comparable to the CMOS approach of the standard semiconductor industry leads to lower power dissipation, higher noise margin, better robustness and easier design of the circuits, but involves challenges as for example optimum crystalline growth of two organic semiconductors on the same substrate and the output current matching of p- and n-type devices.
Parasitic capacitances in organic thin film transistors are predominantly formed by a non-vanishing overlap of electrodes and conduction lines that are outside the active transistor region but only separated by the gate dielectric layer. In order to minimize this contribution the overlap between the gate electrode with the source and drain electrodes should be as small as possible


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Coin based water dispenserddhdhsvdcj

Arduino based Automatic Plant Irrigation System with Message Alert

Whenever we go out of town for few days, we always used to worry about our plants as they need water on regular basis. So here we are ma...